Grade 10
Science 20 - In this course students will learn about the world of ecosystems, how chemicals react, the physics of objects in motion, and how weather works, as well as how people can use their knowledge of ecology, chemistry, physics and meteorology to live responsibly in our world.
Hockey Skills Academy 20 - Following the lead of Hockey Canada, the Rivers Collegiate Hockey Skills Academy offers students an opportunity to further their hockey skills and knowledge by focusing on strategies for development and improvement both on and off the ice.
Wood Working 20 - This course is designed for maximum student engagement, regardless of individual interests or level of ability. Every student will be given the opportunity to develop their skills in areas such as Woods Products and Processes, Measurement and Layout, Finishing, and Current Innovation by making exciting projects, such as games, furniture, musical instruments, and more. Although flexibility and individuality are important in this course, the most essential skill all students will develop is shop safety. Particular attention will be paid to personal protective equipment (PPE), proper tool use, and responsibility for shop cleanliness and maintenance.
Band 20 - is offered for grade 10 students and is intended to be an early intermediate course for students choosing band in high school. It is a continuation of the junior high program which offers opportunity for further individual musical growth and skill development with a shift toward helping the students learn to effectively play in a larger group. Students in this course would be playing selections at a higher level.
Outdoor Education 20 - Will provide exposure to lifelong outdoor activities at the same time getting a better understanding of how we impact the environment around us. The students will learn how to limit their impact on the environment while enjoying the outdoors.
Introduction to Pre-Calculus & Applied Math 20 - is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math pre-requisite. This pathway provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills that have been identified for specific post-secondary programs of study. The topics studied form the foundation for the content to be studied in both grade 11 Applied Mathematics and Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics. Students will solve problems involving factors and products, roots and powers, measurement, trigonometry, relations and functions, linear functions, and systems of linear equations.